John Teton
Founded by producer and writer John Teton in the 1980s in California, Earthlight Pictures features work in film & writing.
John Teton was born in Chicago and earned degrees from Harvard and the San Francisco Art Institute. He has directed the films Thunder Head Clearing and B’raesheet, which have won awards in international film festivals, produced the cosmology film program Visions at T Minus Zero and many documentary and instructional videos, and served as the Editorial Consultant on the Warner Bros. feature film The Right Stuff. He is the author of the novels The Book of Geezer, APPEARING LIVE AT THE FINAL TEST, UPSURGE, ELEVATION: The Cave Logs of New Hale, Tibet, and the upcoming Doctor Sonnet’s Fantastic, due for publication in late 2024. He directs the campaign for the International Food Security Treaty (see, which arose from notes for Upsurge. He has presented the IFST at many events for major universities, United States Congressional briefings, for the NGO forum of an annual United Nations Conference on World Food Security, and as the keynote address for the 2023 Harvard School of Public Health event for World Food Day. He has written numerous articles on the Treaty including On the Origin of a Hunger-Free Species for the Harvard International Review and The Armless Hand for the Yale Journal of International Affairs. He and his wife, Jennifer, live in California.